
Below are selected samples of my work. If you’d like to see additional samples of my work, please send me an email with your request. Samples are added to this page regularly, so be sure to check back for new content.

*Click on the images below to view additional details*

Feature Story, BBBSHB

This is a feature story that I wrote for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hamilton and Burlington profiling a former Big Sister pair, Candace and Melissa.

About the HITS eHealth Office

This is a promotional video that I created for the HITS eHealth Office to raise awareness of the office, its services and its role in eHealth across South West Ontario. 

Patient Portal News Release

This is a news release that I helped prepare to announce the development of a regional patient portal by Hamilton Health Sciences, in partnership with Sunnybrook Health Sciences and with support from Canada Health Infoway.

In the Media

These are videos and newspaper articles which highlight my involvement with I Heart Hamilton.

Communications Plan

This is a communications plan that I developed to help promote the HITS eHealth Office. This involved gathering details about and evaluating the office’s current communications efforts and providing recommendations on tactics and strategies to employ to help “build the brand” of the office.

ClinicalConnect 5.0 Flyers

These are two flyers that I designed for the HITS eHealth Office, more specifically, to promote the ClinicalConnect Release 5.0. The first flyer communicates details to Sole Practitioners regarding access to ClinicalConnect and the second flyer details new features for ClinicalConnect users.

Biography, Harkirat Singh

This is a biography which I prepared for board trustee Harkirat Singh, to be posted on the board’s website.

Peel Roadmap e-Newsletter

This is a quarterly e-newsletter which I helped develop content for along with my Communications colleagues.

Start Something 2013 Video

This is a promotional video created specifically for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hamilton & Burlington. Tasks in the creation of the video included creating questions, conducting interviews with Big and Little Brothers and Sisters, as well as filming and editing the video.

Good News Stories

These are just some of the good news stories which I wrote and shared on the “Spotlight on Schools” section of the board website, http://www.peelschools.org, as well as internally on the board’s Good News section. I was the primary contact for story submissions, where I was responsible for contacting schools for additional information to help round out the story, as well as accompanying photos.

Social Media Posts

These are social media posts that I designed to promote the HITS eHealth Office on social media.

Information Flyers

These are information flyers that I designed to promote ClinicalConnect and support the HITS eHealth Office’s promotion and onboarding efforts at healthcare organizations.

Instagram Posts

These are just some of the Instagram posts that I both sourced and created to promote events, student and school achievements and provide a glimpse at the ways students and staff at the Peel District School Board inspire success, confidence and hope.

I Heart Hamilton Blog Posts

Below is a selection of blog posts I wrote for I Heart Hamilton (formerly I Heart Hamilton Tour), a group blog started by myself and three friends in 2011.

Adult ESL Flyers + Ads

These are advertisements for the Peel District School Boards Continuing and Adult Education programs. I provided communications support for the ad content and coordinated the design and printing of the ads with external vendors.

Blog Posts, YCI

These are blog posts that I wrote about my work was a Youth Ambassador with Youth Challenge International and and my experience volunteering in Tanzania.

Video Voiceovers

These are resources and eLearning modules for ClinicalConnect’s Release 5.0 that I provided communications support for.

News Releases

These are news releases I wrote for the Peel District School Board that highlight school events, activities and student and staff achievements.

Social Media Posts

These are just some of the social media posts that I’ve crafted for Sean Greenberg’s social media channels. The social media posts below aim to promote Sean’s artwork, as well as his presence at local art shows and events and his products in local shops.

Promotional Videos

These are videos that I worked on with the Peel board’s Media Support team to promote Peel District School Board secondary schools and continuing and adult education centres.

Facebook Posts

These are a number of Facebook posts which I crafted and share on the Peel District School Board’s Facebook page to promote good news articles on the “Spotlight on Schools” section of the board website. 

What’s Ahead – 2018 Roadmap

This is a roadmap I designed for the HITS eHealth Office, more specifically, the ClinicalConnect solution. This roadmap highlights key initiatives and projects underway in 2018 in relation to ClinicalConnect.